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Varicose Veins... they can hurt! 

What are Varicose Veins?

varicose veins

Varicose veins are twisty bulging veins on the legs caused by an increase in the normal venous pressure. They tend to get larger and uglier with time and are normally uncomfortable typically causing tired legs, itching, throbbing, restlessness and aching. They can bleed especially in the elderly after relatively minor trauma.

The increased pressure often causes skin damage and in many patients actual ulceration of the skin occurs which takes months to heal without appropriate treatment.​you are.


 Other symptoms include: 

  1. Swollen feet and ankles

  2. Burning or throbbing in your legs

  3. Muscle cramp in your legs, particularly at night

  4. Dry, itchy and thin skin over the affected vein


 Main reasons not to ignore varicose veins and to get the underlying problem treated:


  1. Varicose veins are unattractive. Many people are seriously affected by the looks of their veins. They will not show their legs in public and indeed often even to their partner. This has an adverse effect on sport participation and enjoyment of holidays and other leisure activities. In some it can affect their careers for eg, actors and models  who "need" their legs to look better.                                                                                                                                                       

  2. Varicose veins hurt. Most patients with varicose veins suffer from various symptoms which can also affect lifestyle. Common symptoms are tired legs, itchiness, throbbing, restless legs, and aching. These symptoms usually resolve very quickly after EVLA and RFA.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  3. Varicose veins can lead to serious skin damage and ulcers.  Treating the varicose veins helps healing of ulcer properly and dramatically reduces the risk of future leg ulcers.




Treatment of the varicose veins usually goes as follows....



        Clinical examination and a Colour doppler  Scan is performed to accurately determine the underlying sources causing

        your problems and the exact anatomy.

        Without this  detailed scan by a vascular specialist it is impossible to accurately assess your veins or

        determine the exact treatment you require.




        This is most commonly by Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA)

        However, depending on your examination results , some patients  may need or request:

        However, depending on your examination results , some patients  may need or request:

           1.   Foam Sclerotherapy,

           2.  Perforator Ablation (TRLOP)

           3.  Phlebectomy​




        After the destruction of the source, the varicose veins visible on the outside of your legs (which branch off this source)

        may  disappear, or get smaller, but it is normal for further direct treatment to these to be required.

        This is normally undertaken using Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy, but some patients are best treated with




        Once the underlying source and larger varicose veins have been dealt with then symptoms should resolve but there

        may be some persistent cosmetically unattractive smaller veins and thread or spider veins remaining. 

        These can be treated with Foam and/ or  sclerotherapy.


We treat the root cause of your symptoms, which means sealing off only the veins with unhealthy valves. There are four recommended procedures that are designed to go beyond the surface, treat the underlying cause, and focus on overall health. The specifics of each spider veins or varicose veins treatment differs according to the size of the diseased veins, but we work directly with each patient to design a customized plan to get people back on their feet sooner.






We provide the most advanced and refined varicose veins treatment with laser. Being experts in handling ultrasound, Interventional Radiologists are the best persons to understand the exact problem and to devise a plan to treat your veins. Also the person who has good hold on imaging and doppler studies is best suited to treat you. 


Apart from the minimally invasvie laser treatments for varicose veins, there are other ways to treat them too. Surgery in form of ligation and stripping was the main mode of treatment before the origin of minimally invasive techniques. However it has to be done under general anaesthesia, and also it has a long recovery period of recovery after the surgery. It is painful in the post operative period. Studies have shown that surgery in form of stripping and ligation has more chances of recurrence and complications.


Varicose veins treatment can also be done using other minimally invasive techniques like RFA etc.. 



Calf muscle exercises to improve ur "peripheral heart" strength

Calf exercises help strengthen Soleus and Gastrocnemius which help in pumping blood back to the heart and hence help reduce venous hypertension to some extent.

Need help for buying compression stockings? Not sure what size to buy? Please check with your doctor whether knee length or thigh length stockings are needed. Buy online by clicking on the pic.


A number of alternative therapies mentioned on the internet which claim to be helpful treatments for chronic venous insufficiency, a condition associated with varicose veins in which leg veins have problems returning blood to the heart. These include:

  • Butcher's broom

  • Grape (leaves, sap, seed and fruit)

  • Horse chestnut

  • Sweet clover

Talk with your doctor before trying any herb or dietary supplement to treat varicose veins, to make sure these products are safe and won't interfere with any medications. THERE ARE NO STUDIES ON THEIR EFFICACY AND EFFECTIVENESS. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND USING THESE FORM OF TREATMENTS.

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