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  • I have spider veins, ?Do I need to worry?"
    It all depends on the doppler study of your leg veins. Most of the times they dont pose any threat. However few of the patients have 1. burning /itching over the veins 2. achy legs Apart from these symptoms, the very sight of these veins can bother a few patients. In case if the doppler study reveals abnormalities, Spider veins could be indicator of serious vein disease which needs treatment.
  • How long does EVLT procedure last ? When can I resume my job?
    EVLT takes about 1 hr to 2 hrs to complete. You can resume your work from the next day! This procedure is minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins and does not require any incisions or cuts on the body to treat. Hence the recovery period after the procedure is less as compared to the open surgery. In case you need more information you could directly contact for an appointment
  • How long do I need to wear compression stockings?
    Typically stockings need to be worn daily, from morning till the evening. You can take off those before getting in the bed to sleep.
  • Where can I buy these stockings?
    You can contact us if you need one of those. We can help you in this concern.
  • Can I get Sclerotherapy of spider veins done?
    Sclerotherapy can be done for varicose veins and spider veins depending upon indication to treat. It is an out patient procedure.
  • Does pregnancy cause varicose veins?
    For a lot of women, varicose veins appear for the first time during their pregnancy. Few of the women might notice that these veins become more prominent if they already had them. Pregnancy doesn’t cause the varicose veins, it just causes the underlying problem to aggravate hence, there is manifestation of the disease. The women who develop varicose veins during their pregnancy have an underlying genetic problem with their valves. The increased abdominal and pelvic pressure due to the growing baby on the valves in the pelvis puts pressure on the veins in the legs which combined with the valve failure brings out the varicose veins. Few women may also find development of varicose veins on the vulva. This is quite a common problem during pregnancy.
  • Is walking good for Varicose veins?
    Walking is good for varicose veins as it is a low impact exercise, and strengthens calf muscles without much straining of the leg veins.
  • I have spider veins, ?Do I need to worry?"
    It all depends on the doppler study of your leg veins. Most of the times they dont pose any threat. However few of the patients have 1. burning /itching over the veins 2. achy legs Apart from these symptoms, the very sight of these veins can bother a few patients. In case if the doppler study reveals abnormalities, Spider veins could be indicator of serious vein disease which needs treatment.
  • How long does EVLT procedure last ? When can I resume my job?
    EVLT takes about 1 hr to 2 hrs to complete. You can resume your wirk from the next day!
  • How long do I need to wear compression stockings?
    Typically stockings need to be worn daily, from morning till the evening. You can take off those before getting in the bed to sleep.
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  • Can I get Sclerotherapy of spider veins done?
    Sclerotherapy can be done for varicose veins and spider veins depending upon indication to treat. It is an out patient procedure.
  • What is uterine fibroid embolisation
    Minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins which does not involve any cuts or incisions of a long hospital stay as compared to myomectomy or hysterectomy. The main advantage of this procedure is that it is our uterus preserving procedure. You may have seen that females with large and multiple fibroids are often advised hysterectomy which means removal of uterus. However uterine artery embolisation is unique procedure which shrinks the fibroids by blocking the blood vessels supplying the fibroids.
  • Where can I buy these stockings?
    You can contact us if you need one of those. We can help you in this concern. If you are able to measure your required leg dimensions for stockings.
  • What are graduated compression stockings?
    These type of stockings are prescribed for varicose veins. The pressure applied by the stockings on the leg is maximum in the ankle and foot region and gradually reduces upwards as we go towards thigh.
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